Medicine Animals

hummingbirdOnce we come into alignment with all things and embrace the ideas that we are all related, we can see how animals come to play an important part in any Medicine Journey. Hawks and eagles, rabbits, crows, mice, hummingbirds, and insects all have lessons to teach us through either observation or careful consideration. When an animal comes into your awareness, consider the attributes of the animal to find the lessons they can teach you.

If you have a vision of an animal and it appears to you four times in four different ways, it is requesting to become your Medicine Animal. Medicine Animals change according to the lessons that you need. If an animal comes to you in your meditation, ask it for it’s wisdom and teachings. Learning the symbolic significance and characteristics of these animals can lead to a greater understanding of the self. Medicine Animals can be called upon for protection and guidance. If your Medicine Animal comes to you in physical reality, know that you are in the presence of your teacher and act accordingly with quiet and respect.


